
  Today advertising is everywhere! Some peo-ple think that ads fire great,others 1 ndline  (like/hare) ads.saying that they make our 2 ndline  (city/cities) and countryside look ugly.Many ads are aimed 3 ndline  (especial/especially) at teenagers,and some young people see more than 100 ads a day.It's 4 ndline  (true/truth) that some ads can be very 5 ndline  (use/useful).For instance,they can help you to compare two different products 6 ndline  (so that/in order to) you can buy the one you really need.They can also help you 7 ndline  (saving/save) money.However,some ads can be confusing or misleading.Sometimes the picture in an ad. looks a lot 8 ndline  (good/better) than the real thing.At times an ad.can lead you 9 ndline  (to buy/buy) something you don't need at all.And you have to be 10 ndline  (carefully/careful).


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:022


A:How are you feeling now? George and I were quite anxious about you when Ann called us yesterday.  

  B:Not too 1 ndline  yet.I still have a headache and my right 2 ndline  can 3 ndline  take a cup.

  A:What about your legs?

  B:Much better.I feel less 4 ndline  in my knees 5 ndline  I can't walk just now the doctor and the nurses told me to stay in bed for two weeks.

  A:That's OK.But.how did it 6 ?

  B:Oh,yesterday morning I cleaned the windows.In order to 7 ndline  the work easier,I climbed over the window and stood 8 ndline  the windows.I worked quickly,but suddenly I 9 ndline  down to the garden.when I woke up,I found myself lying

  in bed in the 10 .

  A:You're lucky that you live on the second floor.


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:022

There are few buses and c&rs on the road, ___________ __________?(完成反意疑問句)


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:022

(用所給單詞的適當形式填空)The young woman spent too much _________ (buy) expensive clothes.


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:022

(補全單詞)In the modern world, a_______ are everywhere!


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:022

He prefers comfortable clothes to fashiona-ble clothes.(改為同義句)

  He _________ comfortable clothes __________ _________ fashionable clothes.


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:022

(完成單詞)桯ow much is the pen?

  桰t's two d_______.


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:022

(句子練習)I want an interesting book _______ _______ (讀).


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:022

(用括號內(nèi)所給單詞的適當形式填空)There are a lot of new ______ (factory) in our city.

