She visited Uncle Li _______a cold winter morning.

        A. on                        B. in                 C. at                 D. for



科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:閱讀理解

For many years I had a good life. My illness was reasonably (適度的) under control, I had a nice relationship with my husband, I did work, I didn't hate. It was, as I said, a good life.
But there's a saying that the good is the enemy of the best. I finally realized this one day, and began making my best life. I changed doctors and tried a new way that could relieve(減輕) my symptoms (癥狀) , rather than just making them easier to deal with. I started talking more with my husband and listening to what he had to say. And I quit(辭掉) my job and started working for myself.
I have the best life I've ever had. I'd call it great. It is possible there's a better life for me, which would then be my "best life" , but for now I don't think so. I've started a business I love. My husband and kids are wonderful. I have a good friend and I'm close to my older sister who lives in town. Could it get better? I suppose so. But for me I think this is the best life I can have right now.
Think more about your life. Where are you living? Are you in a job you just don't mind? What makes your life "good" ? Why isn't it great? What's the enemy of the best and what can you do about it?
Enjoy your best life. We're only here for a short while, and we all need to have the best possible time we can. It's like going to Disney World. If you spend too much time standing in line waiting for the ride, pretty soon your time's up. Get out of the "good" line and have your best life.
【小題1】Which of the following is NOT included in the writer's "good life" ?
A.Having a job.B.Having no hate.
C.Getting on well with her husband.D.Living close to her good friend.
【小題2】The writer quit her job because she________.
A.was illB.didn't like working
C.wanted to go for her best lifeD.wanted to enjoy her good life
【小題3】What did the writer do to make her best life?
①She visited other doctors.
②She started a business she loved.
③She played more with her kids.
④She talked more with her husband.
⑤She spent much time in Disney World.
【小題4】 What's the enemy of the best?
A.Illness.B.A good job.C.Being proud.D.Being satisfied.
【小題5】What is the best title for the article?
A.Attitude to LifeB.Making Your Best Life
C.What Makes Your Life "Good"D.A New Way to Treat the Illness


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:2011年山東省東營(yíng)市中考英語(yǔ)試卷(解析版) 題型:閱讀理解

For many years I had a good life. My illness was reasonably (適度的) under control, I had a nice relationship with my husband, I did work, I didn't hate. It was, as I said, a good life.
But there's a saying that the good is the enemy of the best. I finally realized this one day, and began making my best life. I changed doctors and tried a new way that could relieve(減輕) my symptoms (癥狀) , rather than just making them easier to deal with. I started talking more with my husband and listening to what he had to say. And I quit(辭掉) my job and started working for myself.
I have the best life I've ever had. I'd call it great. It is possible there's a better life for me, which would then be my "best life" , but for now I don't think so. I've started a business I love. My husband and kids are wonderful. I have a good friend and I'm close to my older sister who lives in town. Could it get better? I suppose so. But for me I think this is the best life I can have right now.
Think more about your life. Where are you living? Are you in a job you just don't mind? What makes your life "good" ? Why isn't it great? What's the enemy of the best and what can you do about it?
Enjoy your best life. We're only here for a short while, and we all need to have the best possible time we can. It's like going to Disney World. If you spend too much time standing in line waiting for the ride, pretty soon your time's up. Get out of the "good" line and have your best life.
【小題1】Which of the following is NOT included in the writer's "good life" ?

A.Having a job.B.Having no hate.
C.Getting on well with her husband.D.Living close to her good friend.
【小題2】The writer quit her job because she________.
A.was illB.didn't like working
C.wanted to go for her best lifeD.wanted to enjoy her good life
【小題3】What did the writer do to make her best life?
①She visited other doctors.
②She started a business she loved.
③She played more with her kids.
④She talked more with her husband.
⑤She spent much time in Disney World.
【小題4】 What's the enemy of the best?
A.Illness.B.A good job.C.Being proud.D.Being satisfied.
【小題5】What is the best title for the article?
A.Attitude to LifeB.Making Your Best Life
C.What Makes Your Life "Good"D.A New Way to Treat the Illness


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:2011年上海市中考英語(yǔ)試卷(解析版) 題型:閱讀理解

A lot of teenagers are good at art at school, but how would you feel if people called you “the new Picasso(畢加索)” or if presidents and other famous people collected your paintings?
Alexandra Nechita was ten when her paintings became famous all over the world. She visited Britain, France, Italy, Japan, Australia, New Zealand and her family’s native place (祖籍) Romania where 5,000 fans came to see her at the airport. Alexandra said, “When it all started, I was moved. It was very exciting and I loved the traveling, but I got very tired. And I missed home.”
Alexandra is a good student. Her studies always come first. She only starts painting after she’s done her homework. She works on two or three paintings at a time. The paintings sell for thousands and Alexandra’s parents have given up their jobs to work for their daughter. Life for the Nechita family is very different from what it was like a few years ago.
Alexandra’s father Niki left Romania for political reasons in 1985. At first he tried his best to learn English and had different kinds of low-paid jobs. In 1987, he brought his wife and Alexandra, who was then 18 months old, to America. The family was very poor. Alexandra began to draw at the age of three.
She was drawing for four or five hours a day. Soon people offered to buy her paintings and she had her first art show at the age of eight. Stories about this child appeared in the newspapers and television. They now live in a large house with a swimming pool. Her mother said, “We started without anything, but thanks to Alexandra, we have everything we ever dreamed of.”
【小題1】Alexandra became well-known all over the world for her paintings at the age of _______.

【小題2】Which country does Alexandra live?
【小題3】 Alexandra’s painting _________.
A.took her a lot of time at school
B.made her drop out of school
C.didn’t influence her studies at school
D.made her fall behind others in studies at school
【小題4】 When her family arrived in America in 1987, _________.
A.their life was very hard
B.they lived by selling Alexandra’s paintings
C.Alexandra began to draw her painting
D.her parents left their jobs and worked for her
【小題5】 From the passage, we can learn ________.
A.Alexandra was not interested in travelling
B.Alexandra’s success changed her family’s life
C.Alexandra’s parents were good at English
D.Alexandra’s stories appeared often on the radio and TV


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:2011年初中畢業(yè)升學(xué)考試(上海卷)英語(yǔ)(帶解析) 題型:閱讀理解

Answer the questions (根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容回答下列問(wèn)題)
1.Helen Monson has always been interested in helping her community. Her first volunteer experience was for the American Red Cross when she was in high school. When she was a school teacher, she also found time to volunteer. One year, she organized a Super Saturday Fun Day for kids in the community. She also used to volunteer at the Mint Festival every year. One summer, she served food, another year she organized an art programme.
2.After she retired, she started volunteering to help the old. When her father was older, he was not able to see as well as he used to, which made her sad because he had always enjoyed reading. She decided it would be fun to read to elderly people in her community. She also helped one woman write her stories. Ann was almost 100 years old, and Helen wrote down information about her life when she visited her. She put the information in a book and got it published. Ann was very excited to share her life story with her children and her grandchildren.
3.After a hurricane(颶風(fēng)) destroyed some southern cities, Helen volunteered again for the American Red Cross. She prepared food and answered phones in a care centre. She says, “I have always liked the Red Cross because the organization helps people in need no matter what.”
4.One day, Helen read an article in the newspaper about refugees(難民) who needed to learn English. Now, she meets once a week with Sahra, a 38-year-old woman, from Somalia. Sahra is living and working in a town about 30 minutes’ walk from where Helen lives. They work on reading and writing skills. Helen gave Sahra a camera and asked her to take pictures of her daily life. She developed the pictures, and then asked Sahra questions about them. In the end, they wrote a book together and used the photos in the book. This helped Sahra learn many new words about her everyday life.
5.Helen says, “The most rewarding(有益的) part of volunteer work is becoming friends with the people I help. They enrich my life as well as I enrich theirs.”
【小題1】When was Helen’s first volunteer experience for the American Red Cross?
【小題2】What did Helen do after she retired?
【小題3】Why was Ann excited when her book got published?
【小題4】Where did Helen work when she volunteered again for the American Red Cross?
【小題5】How far is Sahra living and working from Helen’s home?
【小題6】Did Helen help Sahra to learn English?
【小題7】What can you learn from Helen?


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:2012屆浙江省溫州市平陽(yáng)縣九年級(jí)中考模擬考試英語(yǔ)試卷(帶解析) 題型:閱讀理解

Carly Williams decided to become a TV reporter when she was in Grade 6. “ One day, we went out into forest and did some reporting about forest fires,” Carly said. “ Ever since then, I have loved the job and I have been trying to do it as much as I can.”
Now 15, Carly reports for the news program at her school. And she has interviewed many famous people including some famous basketball players and TV stars.
“Carly is a great student and I am sure she will achieve her dream in the future,” said one of Carly’s teachers.
Last month the happiest thing for Carly was that she got a call from Teen Kids News in New York. She sent them some films she made by herself for the school news program. Teen Kids News is on over 200 TV stations around the USA. The producer of the show said he liked Carly’s films and asked if Carly would make a film for them.
“ All I could say was, yes, yes, yes!” Carly said. “ I didn’t even think for a second.”
Carly spent five days learning something about Teen Kids News in New York. She also visited a person who was a reporter for Teen Kids News and got some advice.
Her first task was to interview an artist in New York. Carly said she worried about working with a new team because she wanted to impress the producer. Although under great pressure, she did a wonderful job.
“Carly has gotten to do some pretty amazing things,” said Carly’s mother. “For her to get that taste of it was pretty cool.”
【小題1】Which thing helped Carly decide to be a TV reporter?

A.The task to interview an artist in New York.
B.Her report about forest fires when in Grade 6.
C.Her interviews with many famous people.
D.The exciting words from one of her teachers.
【小題2】Last month Carly was very happy because __________.
A.she was asked to make a film for Teen Kids News
B.she did a wonderful job for the school news program
C.she sent some of wonderful films to Teen Kids News
D.she visited a reporter in New York and got some advice
【小題3】Why was Carly worried when doing first task?
A.Her mother asked her not to do it. B.She wanted to interview a producer.
C.She wanted to impress the producer. D.She doesn’t want to work with a new team.

