     Learning Chinese may seem difficult to foreigners outside China. However, Daisy Raffan, an   1   girl in
Britain, hopes to bring the   2   to the young people.
     Daisy has   3   an online learning website to teach the language to as   4   people as possible, all over the
     With China's fast development in the world, Daisy thinks   5   important for people to learn the language
sooner rather than later. 
     Daisy has been learning Putonghua   6   the age of five. Two years ago,   7   she decided to pass on what
she had learned, she   8   the idea for the website, kidschineseclub.com.
     She said: "People are afraid to learn Putonghua. One of the main reasons is that they think it's an   9   
language to learn, but I have had fun   10   it. And I hope what I have done is easy and fun."
     Her   11   offers a series of lessons, which are videos of Daisy teaching a group of students on topics from
greetings and numbers to Chinese culture. 
     Daisy's website has   12   the support of several important persons-the teenager says she has received a
letter praising (贊揚(yáng)) her work from Gordon Brown,   13   is the British Prime Minister (首相).
     She said: "I wrote to him and told him what I was doing and got a letter  14  . He said that what I was doing
was a really good idea. I thought it was amazing. I was excited that   15   was supporting what we're doing."
(     ) 1. A. 18 years old  
(     ) 2. A. language      
(     ) 3. A. put up        
(     ) 4. A. much          
(     ) 5. A. that          
(     ) 6. A. for          
(     ) 7. A. before        
(     ) 8. A. came out      
(     ) 9. A. impossible    
(     ) 10. A. does          
(     ) 11. A. e-mail        
(     ) 12. A. won          
(     ) 13. A. whom          
(     ) 14. A. in            

B. 18-year-old  
B. idea          
B. showed up    
B. more          
B. this          
B. at            
B. after        
B. came on      
B. interesting            
B. do            
B. magazine     
B. made          
B. which        
B. back       

C. 18-years-old  
C. information    
C. set up        
C. many          
C. them          
C. since          
C. if            
C. came over            
C. excellent      
C. doing          
C. essay          
C. given          
C. who            
C. down        
D. 18 year old     
D. gift            
D. thought up      
D. most            
D. it              
D. in            
D. although        
D. came up with        
D. easy            
D. to do           
D. website         
D. beaten          
D. /               
D. up            
(     ) 15. A. someone such important 
              C. such important someone     
B. so important someone                  
D. someone so important
1-5: BACCD    6-10: CBDAC    11-15: DACBD

科目:初中英語 來源:專項(xiàng)題 題型:完形填空

                                          How 3D Movies Work   .
     Do you know 3D movies? When you see one, it's like the story  l  in front of  you, and you are a  part ofit. 3D movies are  exciting to   2   , but do you
know how3      them, and      4   you need to wear a pair of  3D  glasses? To
understand these  questions, let's make an easy   5  .
     O Put a finger   6   your eyes.
     O Cover your lef't eye and look at the finger.
     O Cover your right eye and look at the finger.
     What do you see:l The finger you see with your left eye is in a different
position from the one you see with your right eye. This means you get two
images(圖像) when you look at   7     _ with both your eyes. To makea 3D
movie, people have to get two images at the same time,   8_ they use two
video cameras.  When playing a  3D movie, they use two projectors (放機(jī))  
at the same time.  This brings two images together on the screen. Then, we
use 3D glasses to separate(識(shí)別) the two images. One image enters one eye
and   9 enters the other eye.
     Then our brains   10      the two images together. In this way, we get 3D
(     )1. A. happen      
(     )2. A. watch        
(     )3. A. make        
(     )4. A. when        
(     )5. A. examl)le    
(     )6. A. in front of  
(     )7. A. everything  
(     )8. A. because      
(     )9. A. other        
(     )10.A. let          
B. happened     
B. see            
B. to make        
B. why            
B, picture        
B. in the front of
B. anything        
B. so              
B. the other      
B. put            
C. to happen  
C. look        
C. making      
C. which      
C. experiment  
C. behind      
C. something  
C. and        
C. others      
C. take        
D. happening  
D. notice    
D. made      
D. what .    
D. mowe      
D. beside    
D. nothing    
D. but        
D. the others
D. bring      


科目:初中英語 來源:同步題 題型:完形填空

  Daniel is an American young man. He lives on the    1    floor of a tall
building. His office is more than ten kilometers away. He must get up early 
   2    a quarter past six, and    3    home at seven. The lift takes him down. Then
he    4    to the bus stop. The stop is only two    5    metres from the building.
There he   6   No. 11 Bus. He begins     7    at eight and finishes it at five. Then
he comes back. He takes the lift up to the   8    floor. Then he     9  up the three
floors on foot, just for exercise. He cooks and eats his supper, and watches TV
until   10  . After that Daniel usually falls into bed for night.
(     )1. A. fifte en      
(     )2. A. in            
(     )3. A. leave          
(     )4. A. walk          
(     )5. A. hundred        
(     )6. A. drives        
(     )7. A. to work        
(     )8. A. twelve        
(     )9. A. climb          
(     )10. A. nine twentieth
B. fifteenth  
B. on        
B. left      
B. run        
B. hundreds  
B. takes      
B. works      
B. fifteen    
B. jumps      
B. nine twenty
C. fiveteen      
C. about        
C. le aves      
C. went          
C. hundreds of  
C. by            
C. work          
C. twelfth      
C. go            
C. nine-twentieth
D. fiveteenth  
D. at          
D. lives      
D. walks      
D. hundred of  
D. catch      
D. worked      
D. fifteenth  
D. climbs      
D. ninth twenty


科目:初中英語 來源:同步題 題型:完形填空

     Wang Lin is a good   1 . She is twenty-one years old. She drives a car in a   2 . She 
  3  from Sunday to Friday. Her home isn't   4  the factory. She gets up  5  at six. She goes
to work at 6:30.  6  7: 30 she must get there. She has  7  in the factory. She has lunch there,
too. She  8  the factory at 5: 00 in the afternoon. She cooks and then does housework in the
evening. She likes   9  very much. She likes watching TV   10 . She goes to bed at about
10: 30 p.m.
(     )1. A. worker       
(     )2. A. shop         
(     )3. A. studies       
(     )4. A. for          
(     )5. A. early         
(     )6. A. After         
(     )7. A. something     
(     )8. A. gets          
(     )9. A. reading      
(     )10. A. very much    
B. bus driver
B. hospital  
B. buys      
B. in front  
B. late      
B. At        
B. breakfast  
B. arrives    
B. to read    
B. to read    
C. driver    
C. factory  
C. comes    
C. out      
C. not      
C. Between  
C. food      
C. le aves  
C. read      
C. a little  
D. doctor  
D. farm    
D. works    
D. near    
D. before  
D. Late    
D. nothing  
D. drives
D. seeing  
D. a few    

