8.Nice to meet you. H.No.they aren’t. 查看更多



Find the best responses from the box.

[  ]


B.Nice to meet you, too.

C.That's all right.

D.No, they aren't.

E.Thank you.

F.They're in the backpack.

G.No, it isn't.


I.Yes, I do.

J.Yes, she does.

1.Nice to meet you.
(  )
2.How do you spell clock?
(  )
3.I'm sorry. I'm late.
(  )
4.Sit down, please.
(  )
5.Are those your keys?
(  )
6.Where are her books?
(  )
7.What's your phone number?
(  )
8.Does your sister have a bat?
(  )
9.Is that your case?
(  )
10.Do you like salad?
(  )








1.How are you?


A.No, they aren't.


2.Where's your bag?


B.Yes, I am.


3.Is your hat on the chair?


C.Sorry, I don't know.


4.Can you see the door?


D.They're in the teacher's bag.


5.Nice to meet you.


E.They're Lucy and Lily.


6.Who're they?


F.Yes. we can.


7.Where are their books?


G.Nice to meet you, too.


8.Is this Lucy or Lily?


H.Yes, it is.


9.Are you American?


I.Fine, thank you.


10.Are they in the same class?


J.It's on the big desk.


